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Explore the link between oxidative stress and fertility, the role of antioxidants, and the top supplements to improve egg quality.

Supplements to Improve Egg Quality

Every day, our bodies perform countless vital functions to support us, from producing energy through food to healing wounds and responding to the world around us. In this intricate process, our bodies naturally produce waste products known as free radicals, which inflict oxidative stress on our tissues.

To counter this, our bodies diligently balance the production of free radicals with the availability of antioxidant defences. However, as we get older or experience inflammatory conditions like polycystic ovarian syndrome or endometriosis, the production of free radicals may increase, leading to more oxidative stress!

Impact of Oxidative Stress on Egg Quality

Antioxidants play a crucial role in lowering oxidative stress, thereby improving fertility. They actively promote fertilisation and implantation of eggs, safeguarding them from potential damage.

When oxidative stress levels are high, our body’s ability to protect eggs diminishes, increasing the risk of compromised egg health. This can manifest in challenges like poor oocyte maturation or low implantation rates, raising concerns about fertility issues.

High oxidative stress levels may also escalate pregnancy complications, including miscarriage, preeclampsia, recurrent pregnancy loss, and suboptimal fetal development.

While this blog mainly discusses the supplements that can enhance egg quality, it’s essential to recognise the equally significant role of optimising your diet. Incorporating foods that naturally support egg health is a fundamental step in your fertility journey.

Our previous blog here delves deeper into the dietary strategies that can complement your supplement regimen to ensure comprehensive support for your reproductive health.

3 Top Supplements To Improve Egg Quality

Egg Quality Supplements

Navigating the sea of egg-quality supplements on the market can be overwhelming. To help put you at ease, we’ve identified the top three supplements to help reduce oxidative stress and improve egg quality, supported by scientific evidence.

1. CoQ10

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a fat-soluble organic compound and a potent antioxidant. Its vital functions include thwarting processes that create free radicals, such as lipid peroxidation and DNA oxidation. While CoQ10 naturally occurs in organs, meat, poultry, fatty fish, and whole grains, its production slows with age, potentially reducing its protective effects on eggs from oxidative damage.

Studies reveal that CoQ10 supplementation boosts the average number of retrieved oocytes by 22.4% and increases fertilisation rates compared to untreated women. Furthermore, women receiving CoQ10 saw a remarkable 24% rise in high-quality embryos on day 3 of supplementation. This supplement’s potential for elevating CoQ10 levels and supporting clinical pregnancy rates, especially for women over 35, is scientifically established.

2. Omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids, renowned for their powerful antioxidant properties and health benefits, play a crucial role in fertility. Research indicates that omega-3 is essential for early oocyte maturation and embryo implantation. A diet rich in omega-3, especially from oily fish like salmon, trout, sardines, and mackerel, combined with fewer trans-fats, can enhance female fertility and increase pregnancy rates in IVF treatments. When omega-3-rich diets are not feasible, omega-3 supplementation can help maintain optimal antioxidant support. Remember to consult a dietitian or doctor before you get started. 

3. Melatonin

Melatonin serves as a guardian against oxidative damage. This hormone, produced in the pineal gland, has several jobs, including regulating our circadian rhythm, maintaining cell function, and supporting our energy levels. It acts as a scavenger, protecting cells from free radicals that cause oxidative stress.

Melatonin treatment, including oral supplementation, has significantly increased the number of collected oocytes, matured oocytes, and embryo quality. Multiple studies show that melatonin supplementation significantly boosts clinical pregnancy rates in assisted reproductive treatment cycles. 

Always consult with your doctor before starting any supplement, including Melatonin, to ensure its safety and appropriateness for your specific needs.

Bottom Line

  1. Oxidative stress can compromise egg health and fertility, influenced by age, diet, stress, and lifestyle choices.
  2. Boosting antioxidants through dietary and lifestyle changes enhances fertilisation and protects eggs from damage.
  3. CoQ10, Omega-3, and Melatonin are vital supplements to improve egg quality. Consultation with a fertility dietitian and doctor is essential before commencing any nutritional supplementation.

Free Live Masterclass on 18th Sept 6pm (AEST): How To Boost Your Egg Health & Fertility Fast!✨

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