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Learn expert-backed egg freezing diet, lifestyle strategies, and supplements to optimise your eggs before freezing.

Comprehensive Egg Freezing Diet Guide

Egg freezing is an innovative fertility preservation technique that enables women to take control of their reproductive future. A well-balanced and nutrient-rich egg-freezing diet plays a crucial role in enhancing egg health and increasing the chances of successful conception later in life.

This blog will explore science-backed strategies, including essential nutrients, dietary patterns, and lifestyle habits, that support egg health.

Understanding Egg Freezing

Once primarily used for medical reasons, egg freezing has evolved into a proactive choice for women who want greater flexibility in family planning. By preserving unfertilised eggs, women can navigate life’s complexities without compromising their future fertility aspirations. Thanks to advancements in cryopreservation, frozen eggs can maintain their quality, increasing the chances of successful conception when the time is right (Katsani et al., 2024).

Understanding Egg Freezing

Once primarily used for medical reasons, egg freezing has evolved into a proactive choice for women who want greater flexibility in family planning. By preserving unfertilised eggs, women can navigate life’s complexities without compromising their future fertility aspirations. Thanks to advancements in cryopreservation, frozen eggs can maintain their quality, increasing the chances of successful conception when the time is right (Katsani et al., 2024).

Egg Freezing Is On The Rise

The decision to pursue egg freezing is often driven by the desire to delay childbearing without sacrificing fertility potential. Elective egg freezing has gained traction as a proactive solution, helping women alleviate time pressures while safeguarding their reproductive options (Gale et al., 2020).

Recent Victorian Assisted Reproductive Technology Authority (VARTA) data highlights this growing trend. In Victoria alone, 3,194 egg freezing cycles were performed in 2023—an increase from 3,040 cycles the previous year. Additionally, as of June 30, 2023, 8,144 women had eggs in storage, marking a 26% increase from the prior year VARTA Annual Report, 2023).

The likelihood of pregnancy success varies with age; for instance, a 37-year-old woman typically needs to freeze around 25 eggs for an 80% chance of a baby, whereas a 39-year-old woman may need 35 eggs to reach the same probability (VARTA Annual Report, 2023).

Elevating Egg Quality

Egg quality isn’t just about age—it’s about an egg’s ability to mature, fertilise, and develop into a viable embryo that results in a healthy pregnancy. A key factor affecting egg health is aneuploidy, a condition where an egg has an abnormal number of chromosomes. 

A normal egg contains 23 chromosomes, which combine with the 23 chromosomes from sperm to form an embryo with 46 chromosomes. Errors in chromosome division can lead to developmental abnormalities, intellectual disabilities, and pregnancy loss.

Aneuploidy rates rise with age, affecting 10-25% of eggs in women in their early 30s and over 50% in women over 40. This explains why age-related fertility decline is often attributed to egg quality (Thomas et al., 2021).

Can You Test For Egg Quality?

Unlike ovarian reserve tests like anti-mullerian hormone (AMH), which estimate the quantity of eggs, there’s no direct test for egg quality. This makes it harder to assess than egg count alone.

Even within the same individual, egg quality can vary significantly. Research shows that genes regulating oocyte development can differ 3- to 5-fold between eggs from the same patient. 

Additionally, aging reduces the proportion of good-quality eggs, but most women still have a mix of both good and poor-quality oocytes (Homer et al., 2024). This variability underscores why egg quality cannot be measured as a collective trait but requires evaluation at the individual oocyte level.

Can You Improve Egg Quality?

While egg quality cannot be entirely reversed, specific dietary and lifestyle interventions can create an optimal environment for egg development. A targeted egg-freezing diet can be an essential tool for maximising egg health and quality at least three months before freezing.

A Holistic Nutrition Approach

1. Follow a Mediterranean Diet to Boost Egg Health

The Ultimate Egg Freezing Diet Guide - Follow a Mediterranean Diet

Often called the “Fertility Diet”, the Mediterranean diet is one of the best dietary patterns for egg freezing. It emphasises:

  • Fresh vegetables, legumes, and fruits
  • Whole grains, nuts, and seeds
  • Seafood and lean poultry
  • Dairy products

Unlike the typical Western diet, it limits processed foods and red meats, reducing sugar and unhealthy fats while providing antioxidants and beneficial fats.

A systematic review and meta-analysis showed that adherence to a Mediterranean dietary pattern was associated with an increased likelihood of achieving a clinical pregnancy and live birth in women undergoing assisted reproductive technologies (Kellow et al., 2022).

Another study found that preconception adherence to a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, dairy, and eggs positively influenced embryo quality (Wu et al., 2022).

2. Minimise Alcohol Consumption

The Ultimate Egg Freezing Diet Guide - Minimise Alcohol

Alcohol negatively affects fertility by reducing egg quality and embryo implantation rates. Research indicates that excessive alcohol intake is associated with a lower number of retrieved oocytes, poorer embryo quality, and a decreased likelihood of achieving pregnancy (Nyandra et al., 2022)

3. Reduce Exposure to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)

The Ultimate Egg Freezing Diet Guide - Reduce Endocrine Disruptors

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), such as Bisphenol A (BPA) in plastics, can impair egg health. Studies indicate that BPA exposure can:

Even “BPA-free” plastics may contain harmful substitutes like BPS and BPF, which can similarly affect fertility. Reducing BPA exposure using glass/stainless steel containers and avoiding thermal paper receipts may help protect egg health.

4. Enhance Egg Quality with Targeted Supplements

The Ultimate Egg Freezing Diet Guide - Take Targeted Supplements

Certain supplements support egg quality and ovarian function, including:

  • Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) – Supports mitochondrial energy production in oocytes
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids – Reduces inflammation and supports egg development
  • Vitamin D – Plays a crucial role in ovarian function and fertility success (Kaur & Sharma, 2023).

The Bottom Line

  1. The success of egg freezing is directly influenced by egg quality, which can be optimised through strategic dietary and lifestyle choices.
  2. Taking proactive steps before freezing your eggs can significantly impact your future fertility.

Dreaming of A Baby? Let’s Make It Happen.

At Pristine Fertility, we help turn your dream into reality with evidence-based nutrition and lifestyle strategies designed to boost fertility, improve egg health, and optimise your body for conception. 💡 Stop guessing—start preparing. Click here to schedule a session with us today. 

The information in this blog is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider before changing your diet, medications, supplements, or treatment plan. Pristine Fertility is not liable for any actions taken based on this information.

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